SPIRITUAL COACHING Live Your Authentic Life I help people realise better Focus and Meaning , with a more fulfilling and Creative Life Hi, I am Kevin Martin

Ego Strength and the Higher Self At Amida Life Coach

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I understand how challenging life can be sometimes, and how to hurt, pain, anxiety, confusion, and distress can knock us off balance. I offer a safe and confidential space to help you get the best out of your life. For this reason, I specialize in helping people with :

  • Narcissistic Abuse– understanding personal experience and dynamics
  • Ego Strengthening – Increasing Adult Ego functioning with increased awareness and acceptance
  • Spiritual Growth – highlighting aspects of the Hero’s Journey and methods to move forward
  • limiting beliefs and Scripts – deep analysis of embedded parental messages and conditioning
  • People-pleasing Syndrome – learn the Ability to say NO and live with guilt, fear and abandonment

you will then be able to

  1.  Feel heard & understood
  2.  Re-align with their inner truth and see life more clearly
  3.  Transform emotions & develop a healthy relationship
  4.  Develop their unique creativity and find more meaning in their life
  5.  Nurture the courage to be heard and seen as they really are
  6.  Increase their self-esteem and self-worth, so they start loving & appreciating who they are

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Praying woman on the beach

‘I help people connect with, explore and develop their most authentic self’.

My Professional Techniques and Personal Experiences help guide Individuals with Depression, Emotional Instability and Spiritual Angst into a more Meaningful Life.

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If you feel you would benefit from working with me. Please complete the contact form with some brief details of your experiences with Narcissism or the Spiritual Path
